Will the differences in Israel lead to its demise or to a change in the methodology of governance?

Will the differences in Israel lead to its demise or to a change in the methodology of governance?

Antoun el-Fata | Friday 28 June 2024

Antoun el-Fata, "Akhbar al-Yawm" agency

War may make it more extreme in the future

Observers confirm that Israel 1948 was based on wars and security threats, while Israel's Gaza war is dissolving and disappearing simultaneously with its desired security by war, amid internal Israeli divisions, between preserving the Jewishness of the Israeli state and fighting confrontation on this basis on the one hand, and between the democracy of the state in Israel, and its need for alliance with the United States of America, and the American security guidance, on the other hand.

A political source considered that "the Gaza war may make Israel a more Jewish state, that is, more fanatical and extreme for its Judaism, in the future".

He pointed out in an interview with the "Akhbar al-Yawm" agency that "despite the announcement of the cancellation of the exemption of "Haredim" from military service, and the support of many Israeli officials for the decision, but the decline of Jewish influence in the Israeli state is not feasible there now. Israel is confused and divided, and it has many problems. There is no way to reunify them unless (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu is overthrown and a new reality and a new political life are agreed".

He concluded: "the possibility of electing (former US President Donald) Trump next November as US president for a new term will not necessarily be an opportunity for Netanyahu to remain in power in Israel. First, despite his success over (current US President Joe) Biden in the polls, Trump may never return to power. But even if he is elected, no one can count on him for anything, not to expect anything from him, not to predict the shape of his new term. Trump may say something today and something else tomorrow. And he (Trump) is not a man of agreements and principles, but a personality that is never stable".

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