Coming weeks are very dangerous and Lebanese front may return to what it was before 1982

Coming weeks are very dangerous and Lebanese front may return to what it was before 1982

Daoud Rammal | Wednesday 10 July 2024

Daoud Rammal, "Akhbar al-Yawm" agency

Diplomatic source to "Akhbar al-Yawm": Israel is stalling and does not want to reach an agreement

Despite the great momentum of the ongoing negotiations in Doha and Cairo, with the aim of reaching an agreement leading to a truce or ceasefire, the indications from the Israeli part do not indicate that such an agreement will be reached in the near future or before the visit of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the United States in the last quarter of this month.

A diplomatic source in Beirut told "Akhbar al-Yawm" agency that "the ongoing negotiations in Qatar and Egypt are accompanied by the Great American pressure to reach an agreement, which is exerted on the Israeli and Palestinian sides, while the Arab countries concerned are exerting pressure on Hamas, but the Israeli way of dealing inside the negotiating rooms does not indicate that it wants to reach an agreement, because whenever a new obstacle is overcome, another obstacle is invented".

The source explains that "the Israeli goal of stalling is to gain the time until the US presidential elections, so that Netanyahu and his team bet on Donald Trump's arrival to the presidency, which revives the deal of the century, which was based on the Jewish state, which means controlling the West Bank and displacing the Arabs of 1948 and keeping the situation in Gaza in a state of destruction without allowing reconstruction, and pushing the Palestinians to three countries, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon".

"The Palestinian factions led by Hamas should pay attention to the seriousness of the threat to ignite the West Bank, Jerusalem and the 1948 territories, which is the card that Netanyahu uses to bring the Israeli around him, because he presents the crime of displacement as the most appropriate solution for the security of the entity and the safety of Israelis", the source said.

The source calls for "the Palestinian factions to quickly unite and renounce differences, and rely on a pure Palestinian agenda, by entrusting the order of negotiation on any issue to the Palestine Liberation Organization as the legitimate and sole representative of the Palestinian people, which requires that the forces and factions outside the organization to initiate dialogue with an open heart to dissolve differences, in order to reach the two-state solution".

The source warns that "the coming days and weeks may be extremely dangerous, because Israel will not comply with any controls or rules, especially since the ongoing war is an open confrontation, even if a ceasefire is reached, because Israel will not commit to stopping security operations, and the Lebanese front may turn into similar to what was the case before the invasion of 1982".

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