TotalEnergies' report delay: Lebanon presses TotalEnergies for report on oil exploration

TotalEnergies' report delay: Lebanon presses TotalEnergies for report on oil exploration

| Saturday 20 April 2024

Source: LBCI english website

Report by Bassam Abou Zeid, English adaptation by Yasmine Jaroudi

Six months have passed since the TotalEnergies, Eni, and Qatar Energy consortium announced the completion of the first well drilling in Block 9.

TotalEnergies was supposed to submit a report to Lebanon's Petroleum Administration documenting the drilling results, but this report has not yet reached the Lebanese side despite repeated demands.

The Energy Ministry affirmed that Lebanon will not remain silent on this matter because they have the right to obtain a report.  

Ministry sources stated that although there are no legal consequences in the contract regarding the delivery of the report, TotalEnergies must take this step so Lebanon can understand the trajectory of gas and oil exploration in its waters. This is especially crucial as it will impact the acquisition of other blocks.

Therefore, the ministry will continue to demand and seek a legal formula to compel TotalEnergies or reach an understanding with the French company to extend the deadline for report submission.

Coordination is underway between the Petroleum Administration and Energy Minister Walid Fayad in this regard.

Sources in the Energy Ministry expressed the belief that the delay in submitting the report may be related to the political and military situation in the region, particularly the Israel-Hezbollah conflict. It may also be part of pressure tactics in this war.

Additionally, the reason could be that the report contains positive indicators regarding the presence of oil and gas, and TotalEnergies does not want the Lebanese side to convey these indicators to other companies.

This could incentivize them to participate in the third licensing round, which includes all blocks except Block 9, under better conditions than those offered by TotalEnergies and win work in blocks that TotalEnergies may be interested in.

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