Geagea: the assassination of Pascal Sleiman is political until proven otherwise

Geagea: the assassination of Pascal Sleiman is political until proven otherwise

| Monday 15 April 2024

MP Sethrida Geagea, after meeting Mawlawi said: "We discussed the murder of Pascal Sleiman, the Syrian displacement issue, and highlighted the significant number of illegal Syrian presence".

"Bcharri has the lowest number of Syrians, and we urged Mawlawi to extend the decrees we implemented in Bcharri to all municipal heads so that we can facilitate the return of displaced individuals to safe areas in Syria", she added.

MP Sethrida Geagea stressed that the "the assassination of Pascal Sleiman is political until proven otherwise, and the investigation is still ongoing; the Syrian presence creates a significant problem in Lebanon, and our economy cannot bear their presence, nor can our country tolerate it any longer".

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