Berri: the Israeli entity represents a blatant example of organized state terrorism

Berri: the Israeli entity represents a blatant example of organized state terrorism

| Tuesday 02 April 2024

The head of Parliament, Nabih Berri met Tuesday with the outgoing Minister of the Interior and Municipalities, Bassam Mawlawi about the latest political and security developments in the country.

He also conferred with the UN Representative for Women's Affairs in Lebanon, Gielan Elmessiri.

Finally, Mr Berri sent messages of condolences following the Israeli attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, respectively to the leader of the Islamic revolution sayyed Ali Khamenei, to President Ibrahim Raisi and to the spokesman of the Iranian Parliament Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf.

In his messages, President Berri strongly condemned the attack considering that "the Israeli entity represents a flagrant example of organized state terrorism".

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