Hezbollah condemns Israeli attack on medical center in southern Lebanon

Hezbollah condemns Israeli attack on medical center in southern Lebanon

| Wednesday 27 March 2024

Hezbollah issued a strong condemnation on Wednesday following an attack by the Israeli army on a medical center in the town of Habbariyeh in southern Lebanon. 

The attack targeted patients and medical personnel at the Islamic Medical Association, leading to the loss of life among several Lebanese civilians.

In a statement, Hezbollah denounced the incident as "heinous aggression and atrocious crime," emphasizing the severity of the attack on innocent civilians seeking medical aid. 

"We extend our deepest condolences and sympathy to the families of the dear martyrs," it stated.

The Israeli attack, which occurred on Tuesday evening, specifically targeted the building utilized by the emergency and relief corps as an ambulance point in Habbariyeh. 

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