The five-nation group has not reached a conclusion...until further notice
Follow-up political sources say that the presidential file has returned to what it was before the ambassadors of the five-nation group taken action, in light of the adherence of each team to its position and therefore to its candidate.
The sources said, via the "Akhbar al-Yawm" agency, that "the five-nation group has not reached anything, as the situation in Lebanon is still linked to what is happening in the region, specifically in Gaza, pointing out that there is an insistence by the presidency of the Parliament on dialogue or consultation, while the parties and political forces express their belief that the presidential file is waiting for the resolution of many regional and international issues, and then the Lebanese situation is reconsidered starting from the agreement on a president of the Republic that satisfies all parties, which is something sought by the five-nation group, in addition to the formation of a national unity government far from political rivalries".
In this context, the same sources are waiting for the return of President Saad Hariri to Lebanon and whether it will be political or just to commemorate the martyrdom of President Rafik Hariri, noting that President Hariri has proved that he is still the Sunni leader on the Lebanese scene.
The sources continued: "Some are talking about the possibility of his return to politics after the presidential elections in Lebanon, that is, as part of the settlements that the region is waiting for, while others believe that it is too early to talk about this topic, as everything is postponed until the picture emerges regionally and internationally".
Akhbar Al Yawm