Oueidat: Bitar's return is illegal and I will attend a session of the Supreme Judicial Council, but under only one condition

Oueidat: Bitar's return is illegal and I will attend a session of the Supreme Judicial Council, but under only one condition

| Tuesday 24 January 2023

The prosecutor of the Republic near the Court of Cassation, Judge Ghassan Oueidat, met with the president of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, Judge Suhail Abboud.

After the meeting, he said: "The judicial investigator in the Beirut port crime, Judge Tarek Bitar, ignored us and considered that we were not present as the prosecutor's office, and we also consider him not present. »

Oueidat stressed: "It is not true that I am going to sue Bitar, and Bitar has been divested of the port case, and his decision to return to work on this case is illegal. »

He concluded: "If a session of the Supreme Judicial Council is held, I will attend it, provided that the file of the August 4 attack is not the only point dealt with during the session. »

It should be noted that after the appeal of Judge Tarek Bitar against the Public prosecutor at the Court of Cassation, Judge Ghassan Oueidat, in the case of the explosion of the port of Beirut, the latter sent a letter to Judge Bitar. Judge Oueidat stressed in the letter that Bitar had been divested of the port case and that he therefore had no authority to make any decision concerning this case.

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