Why does it say ‘no data available’ on Facebook likes? FB users report glitch when using social network

Why does it say ‘no data available’ on Facebook likes? FB users report glitch when using social network

| Friday 27 May 2022

Social media platforms suffer bugs from time-to-time, which are usually addressed quickly.

Facebook users are reporting an error when they attempt to view who has liked their photos on the social networking app.

Usually, you can click an icon beneath a photograph, which reveals who has reacted to it and how.

But this morning, users have reported that the app is displaying “no data available”, leaving them in the dark about who is responding to their posts.

 Here’s what you need to know.

Why does it say no data available?
According to the website Techbriefly, the message may be displayed for the following reasons:

Facebook is temporarily down.
Privacy settings of a particular content.
Deleted Facebook Profile.
Deactivated Facebook Profile.
You are blocked by a user or you have blocked a user.
Given that reporting of the issue has been widespread, the website has most likely been temporarily down this morning.

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