UN condemns tightening restrictions on non-veiled women in Iran

UN condemns tightening restrictions on non-veiled women in Iran

| Friday 26 April 2024

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights condemned the tightening of restrictions on non-veiled women in Iran, which also targets girls aged 15 to 17.

In a press conference, UNHCHR spokesperson Jeremy Laurence said, "We have received reports of widespread arrests and harassment against women, and girls mostly aged between 15 and 17."

He noted that the commission received information that "Iranian police, both in uniform and plainclothes, are conducting violent crackdowns across the country against women and girls, as well as men who support them, to enforce the country's strict hijab laws."

Laurence emphasized that in recent months, the police have "increasingly enforced these laws.''

He noted that there are reports of hundreds of businesses being closed for not complying with hijab laws and the use of surveillance cameras to identify women drivers who violate the rules.

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